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Corinna Cremer
Lecturer and thought leader in crisis health

Crises polarize and fascinate, they initiate changes, highlight strengths and weaknesses and open up new perspectives.

Good reasons to like crises, don't you agree?


However, in order to be able to seize the opportunity to shape ourselves and our environment for the better, a crisis situation needs to be mastered in a healthy way. This applies to the individual as well as to the affected system (family, team, organization, state,...).


I have dedicated myself to the task of imparting knowledge and skills for dealing intelligently with exceptional situations.

Passing on my experiences from 3 decades "in the field" and in organizations today as a lecturer and thought leader for crisis health.



Every crisis situation is different, so are the requests and needs of my customers and clients. However, the triad of prevention, intervention and aftercare - postvention - is always important for good crisis management and the development of individual and systemic resilience and crisis competence.

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Strategic advice


You want to build resilience and crisis skills in your team and in your organization. I support you in determining your status quo planning and implementation. Tailored to your needs and the culture of your organization.

Lectures & Keynotes


Information conveyed with passion inspires inspiration. Inspiring and even more touching my audience shapes the heart of my work and often builds the foundation for a successful collaboration.



Resilience and crisis competence as characteristics of successful systems are skills that need to be trained. We so educate and train peers, mentors and special assistance teams in an efficient, science based and sustainable way.


I would be happy to accompany you and your team.


Your message reaches me 

via email bureau(at)

and by phone +49 (0) 30 92106243


Thank you!

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